Backed By Incentives
The NJEDA plays an important role in implementing major real estate development projects for established companies and governmental or not-for-profit organizations throughout New Jersey. Since 1979, they’ve developed over 10 million square feet of new and renovated space valued at more than $1.5 billion. If you’re a company needing facilities for research, manufacturing, or distribution, a developer of a project in one of these three sectors, any commercial project in an urban location, or a public or not-for-profit entity requiring new or renovated facilities, the NJEDA can help turn your plans into reality.
A HUB & Opportunity Zone Location

HUB Zone businesses have access to sole source/non-competitive and competitive set-aside federal contracts, for total value up to $3.5 million for services and up to $5.5 million for manufacturing. HUB Zone firms are attractive to larger federal government prime contractors for teaming, joint ventures or mentor/protégé relationships.
By locating in Trenton, a business seeking contracts with the federal government is well positioned to participate in the US Small Business Administration’s efforts to encourage economic development in Historically Underutilized Business Zones – HUB Zones and Federal Opportunity Zones. In FY 2014, the federal target for contracts with small business came up short by 40% or over $4.3 billion.
An Urban Enterprise Zone
The Trenton Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) offers tax savings to businesses and customers, including sales tax, payroll taxes and corporate business taxes. Learn more about the program and what it can offer.